Policy & Compliance
Customer Responsibility
When configuring your solution, we may require information from you. Please see our Privacy Policy and PAIA Manual for more details on the kind of information we may request from you.
Our solution is a platform, and as such we do not have control over what information or types of data you store in our environment. While we will take care of the hosting infrastructure and application framework, it is your responsibility to ensure that:
Passwords are secure and used in a secure manner
Information provided in the system complies with local and international regulation
User management complies with your internal policies
Privacy Policy
Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing top-quality service and products, delivered by world-class teams. We strive to always provide value to our clients, but if our work has missed your expectation or we’ve misunderstood your requirements, please let us know.
Should you wish to submit an official complaint, please email our executive team at complaints@smokeci.com, explaining what has transpired or what your concern may be. We will carefully consider all complaints and resolve them accordingly.
We pride ourselves in protecting the interests of our clients and their data, please take a look at our Privacy Policy. Should you have any concerns around your data, please contact our Information Officer at dataprotection@smokeci.com.
Incident Response
We follow a rapid set of steps as soon as a security or data incident is identified. The high-level steps we follow in the event of an incident are as follows.
We identify or are notified of a potential incident.
We investigate the situation.
We take appropriate action to contain the situation.
We recover systems, data and connectivity if disrupted.
We conduct further deep-dive investigations to identify whether there was in fact an incident or whether it was a false alarm.
If a positive incident is confirmed, our Information Officer will report the incident to relevant internal stakeholders, and if necessary; clients, regulators and law enforcement.
Resolution steps are communicated to all affected parties, along with the action that has been taken as part of the containment and resolution of the incident.
We carry out a post-incident review and conduct forensic analysis (if applicable)
We update information, controls and processes going forward to eliminate the threat of recurrence.